
On November 14th, 2018, the FCC will be voting on a rule change that would put the funding of Public, Education and Government Local Access channels at the cable operators’ discretion. This change would cut or eliminate funding for EDTV Programs in the Plymouth Community. We need your help to voice and share the importance of Local Access channels such as Plymouth EDTV and the impact they have on our communities.


If passed, the rule change would reduce or remove funding for Plymouth EDTV which would negatively impact the Plymouth Community. Our community would lose the following…

Educational Opportunities

Plymouth EDTV funds video production programs in grades K-12 in the Plymouth Public Schools. Providing students with instruction using state of the art equipment prepares students to pursue careers in the field. Beyond the media skills acquired in these classes and extracurricular clubs, students learn and practice multifaceted skills such as literacy, public speaking, technology competency, interpersonal skills and more.

A Voice for the Community

Plymouth EDTV provides an outlet for students in the Plymouth Community to have a voice that can be shared on a number of platforms including online and broadcast television. Through the numerous video programs, students have the opportunity to engage in storytelling as content creators. EDTV also works to keep the community informed about district updates, events, and emergency notifications.

A Window into the Schools

Plymouth EDTV provides the sights and sounds into the classrooms at the Plymouth Public Schools. In an effort to capture the amazing things happening inside the walls, EDTV promotes the Plymouth Public Schools by capturing the educational moments ranging from Literacy Week at the Elementary level to VoTech programs at the High School level. Promoting these exceptional opportunities allows the community to witness educational excellence right here in Plymouth.

Coverage of Life Events

Plymouth EDTV covers life events happening in the Plymouth Community including Graduations, Sporting Events, Concerts, and Theater Performances. Distributing live events on multiple platforms allows the community to engage from anywhere at any time. EDTV covers live School Committee meetings gavel to gavel to keep the community informed. At any point the community can easily access archived content.

What is the Rule Change?

The Federal Communications Commission has proposed rule changes that would allow cable operators to treat funding for cable-related costs as “in-kind” donations. This means they would deduct an undefined amount from monies that traditionally have gone to community media.

The rule change would directly affect the local access channels here in Plymouth. Plymouth EDTV, the Educational Access channel for the Plymouth Community, strives to provide educational opportunities to the students of Plymouth and to capture the lasting moments to share with the community and families of Plymouth Public Schools. Our focus is to provide the Plymouth community with district wide educational programming of the highest quality, across a number of platforms including television, web, and in the classroom.

Over the past ten years, Plymouth EDTV has provided our community with education and video services. Please help EDTV continue to support the community by filing a comment today!


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