Little Mermaid BTS 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 Behind the Scenes of PSMS’s annual school musical. PSMS Produced by JagTV 2018/2019
Pennies for Pasta – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 Watch to learn more about one of the many fundraisers held at PSMS. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Paperless Homework – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 JagTV reporters investigate what would happen if PSMS moved away from paper homework. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Homework Stress – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 We all know what homework stress feels like, but how does PSMS handle it? South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Going Digital – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 What would happen if PSMS went to digital books? Our team of reporters find out. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Tech Engineering – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 Emma and Katelyn highlight some of the Tech Engineering projects at PSMS. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Summer Vacation – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 Molly, Maya, and Kylie investigate an alternative to our summer vacation. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Garden Project – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 MacKenzie, Isabella, and Kirsten dig up some facts about a fun project happening between PSMS and PSHS. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Ms. Freitas – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 Keira, Thomas, and Kyra explore one teacher’s connection to an elementary school. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018
Ms. Flanagan – JagTV 2017-2018, JagTV, PSMS, Stories 2017/2018 Haylee and Olivia showcase a standout teacher at PSMS. South Middle School Produced by JagTV 2017/2018