Population Growth and the Earth’s Climate – Falcon TV 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 Jason and Glenn explore how population growth affects the Earth’s climate. PCIS Produced by FalconTV 2018/2019
PCIS Hallwalking – Dunkin Donuts vs Starbucks 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 Lucy took to the halls yet again to explore this classic New England debate. PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
Holiday Hallwalking – Lucy Version 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 What’s your favorite holiday movie? PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
Holiday Hallwalking 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 What’s your favorite holiday movie?! PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
After School Activities 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 Watch to find out about some of the different after school activities that PCIS offers. PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
Secret Rooms at PCIS 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 Secret and off-limits rooms at PCIS. PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
Student of the Month 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 PCIS’s monthly award ceremony for 6th graders. PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
Ansel 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 PCIS’s service dog. PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
New Teachers at PCIS 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 Learn about a few new faces at PCIS. PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019
PCIS Robotics Club 2018-2019, FalconTV, PCIS, Stories 2018/2019 STEM learning at it’s finest! PCIS Produced by Falcon TV 2018/2019